Research studious inquiry or examination especially :
1: Investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws
2 : The collecting of information about a particular subject
Maui Hope has embarked on an ambitious research project, as we attempt to rewrite the way Hawaii cares for special needs adults. Rather than the traditional us/them approach, Maui Hope envisions a model where intellectually disabled and typically abled people meet on level and share strengths as they all aim for the best selves.
At the moment, there is a critical lack of research on caregiver burnout and what inspires fulfillment in the workplace in the special needs community. Through collecting data, careful study and investigation the goal of Maui Hope Research Initiative is to explore how relationship building impacts job satisfaction.
Through ongoing discovery and revision of outdated approaches to delivery of services, Maui Hope is developing a strategy that focuses on positive behavior support and life-sharing, designed to enable our participants and staff members to lead their best possible lives.